Perry Hilltop


Fineview Citizens Council

The Our Hilltop Citizens Council represents the community development efforts for 5k residents. They recently underwent an equitable community development consultation with de-bias and partners to address board policies, a community process, Vendor Diversity plan, and a scorecard to measure community development’s impact on affordable housing. 

de-bias is third party partner for residents, community partners, and vendors to share their experiences with the organization. Our analysis of marginalized people and solutions will ensure programming, advocacy, and development centers will have the most vulnerable members in the community. 

Community members of Fineview and Perry Hilltop:

If you are a resident or community partner, please share your experiences working with the organization:


Stay tuned to find out more about in person meetings and places to complete a paper survey….

Stay tuned for the Citizen's Council Equitable Community Development Scorecard...

Come see what we're all about

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